ColVisTec AG -Leaders in Inline Spectroscopy

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At ColVisTec, we work with the world's leading manufacturers in the paint, pharmaceutical, plastics, and chemical industries. Our team of highly knowledgeable engineers and scientists support them with a reliable and industry-ready inline UV-Vis spectroscopy.​ ​ By adding inline UV-Vis spectrophotometry devices onto the assembly line, we can measure the production output in real-time. In addition, it opens fantastic opportunities for productivity as well as quality gains, leading to a huge stand-alone benefit for your factory when implemented into the context of digitalized manufacturing: Industry 4.0. Our technology can be customized for a wide variety of processes, allowing flexible hardware configurations, offering data output in different formats, and excellent integration with the software solutions already in place. We take pride in our extensive customer support and provide a full menu of training options to secure a smooth transition from off-line measurement to fully automated inline solutions. ​ From our headquarters in Berlin, Germany, we support our product line worldwide and work in close cooperation with other process machinery manufacturers to provide complete solutions when customers are in the market for new plants. Most often our technology is fitted to the existing manufacturing facilities, boosting their productivity and quality. We don't see ourselves as suppliers of hardware, our aim is to provide unique solutions that are specifically required by your process. ​ Our company was founded in 2009 and is now co-funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union.

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People working at ColVisTec AG -Leaders in Inline Spectroscopy
Jan H Johnsen
Founder & CEO
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Niels Petter Wright
Active Board Member
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jens Alder
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Fuat Eker
Director of Sales, Marketing and Customization
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Maike Joester
Data Analyst, Lab Management, and Sales assistant
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Martin Hartmann
R&D, Key Account Manager
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Stephan Smikalla
Technical Team Member
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Andreas Berghaus
Sven Roederer
Technical Service Representative & IT-Manager
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Mohamad Bazzi
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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