Competitor Price Watch

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Competitor Price Watch (CPW) is an online retail price matching service which enables you to increase sales and profitability. We match your product lines with those of your competitors. We then show you exactly how you compare and provide daily email updates of any price changes, and you can personally interrogate the system 24/7. Why would you use CPW? In a word, accuracy . . . The CPW service is different in that we don't use automated, ‘best guess' internet spiders. We are committed to excellence and use real human beings to identify each and every item to make sure we have an exact match. This also allows us to match items on a 'like-for-like'​ basis, matching your product with a competitor's product that, although it may have a different name, does exactly the same thing – purely automated systems don't do that. CPW will then anonymously monitor your competitors and display the results in a variety of customisable reports. You will then be equipped with everything you need to know about your competitors pricing - without them ever being aware.

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Line 1: belfast, northern ireland bt8, gb
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People working at Competitor Price Watch
desiree cruz
Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
David White
Marketing Manager
Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Paul Carlisle
Incorrects Manager
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