complexium GmbH

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complexium GmbH was founded in 2004 with headquarters in Berlin. Since then, the company has established itself at the forefront of social media analytics through its expertise and experience. With the help of its intelligent, specially developed software tools and dedicated team of analysts and consultants, complexium supports its multinational clients which are global players in their dedicated fields, in all areas of social media analysis, consultation, and controlling. One of complexium's major areas of focus is the use of computer linguistics to obtain real-time insights about discussions currently taking place on the social web. ‘Unknown-unknowns' can become tangible, and clients can channel into relevant insights without the use of pre-defined keywords. The cloud-based software solution GALAXY offers this service to its users. Another specialized working field of complexium is Social Business Controlling with its tool KEYPLEX. Performance and financial data concerning social activites become transparent by using ERP and social web interfaces. KEYPLEX is a co-innovation of complexium und SAP. In 2015 it is listed on the best-of list of the INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT as well as the INDUSTRIEPREIS in the category Business Intelligence.

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security & investigations
complexium GmbH's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Google Font API Google Tag Manager Highcharts JS Library JQuery 1.11.1 Mobile Friendly Outlook Ubuntu YouTube
People working at complexium GmbH
Prof. Dr. Martin Grothe
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Patrik Breil
Research Consultant
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Anne G.
Research Consultant
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Konrad Münch
Data Analysis Software Developer / Researcher
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Marco Fetz
Member of the Curatorium Board
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Dominik Henn
Language Engineer / Head of Development
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jan Eric Schinke
Research Consultant
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Anouar Nouri
Software Developer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Clara Grothe
Junior Consultant
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Vivien W.
Daten-Analystin: Digitale Aufklärung und Analyse
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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