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Conn-Selmer, under a portfolio of brands, is the leading manufacturer and distributor of musical instruments for student, amateur, and professional use. With a tradition of innovation and superior musical performance, brands such as Vincent Bach, C.G. Conn, King, Holton, Selmer, Armstrong, Leblanc, Ludwig, Musser, and Scherl & Roth have earned a legacy of respect unparalleled by any other builders. Conn-Selmer is also the North American distributor of Henri Selmer Paris woodwinds, the U.S. distributor of Yanagisawa saxophones. With a focus on quality craftsmanship, Conn-Selmer operates U.S. production facilities in Elkhart, Indiana, Eastlake, Ohio and Monroe, North Carolina. Through its educational outreach team, led by Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser, Conn-Selmer is the industry leader in providing support and advocacy tools specifically tailored to music education.

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Conn-Selmer's headquarter address
Line 1: 600 industrial parkway, elkhart, indiana, usa, 46516
Line 2: 600 Industrial Pkwy
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Apache Bootstrap Framework Comm100 Emma Google Analytics Liquidweb Microsoft Azure Monitor Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook Rackspace MailGun VueJS YouTube reCAPTCHA
People working at Conn-Selmer
Stephen Swanson
Chief Information Officer
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Maciej Syslo
Director of Information Technology at Conn-Selmer, Inc.
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Frank Mavilia
Senior Program Manager, PMO
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Nicole Ebersole,SHRM-CP
Senior Director Human Resources
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Rob Brockett
Senior Director of Marketing, Artist Relations, and Digital Product
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Thomas Jussila
Director of Business Transformation
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Steve Zapf
President and CEO
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Christina M. P.
B&O Marketing & Artist Relations Manager
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Jason Ball
Senior Director of Procurement
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
Craig Hughes
Marketing Manager EMEA
Elkhart, Indiana, United States
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