Corbin and Kaiser, LLC

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Corbin & Kaiser is a Sacramento-based firm serving not-for-profit, government, and cause-based organizations through program development, coalition building, fund development, and public relations. With over 30 years of combined experience, our senior partners have developed comprehensive programs, built coalitions, and led advocacy efforts for organizations across the country. Our experience spans numerous issue and content areas including: K-12 and higher education, consumer privacy and protection, workforce development, healthcare, social services, manufacturing, transportation, labor, and economic development. Our clients tackle complex issues and more often than not, their needs exceed the resources available to address them. We consider finding creative, affordable, and actionable solutions to complex problems one of our specialties. For many clients, a partnership with Corbin & Kaiser pays for itself. We have obtained over $700 million on behalf of clients through program development, grant writing, and fund procurement. Our extensive knowledge of the state and federal process, coupled with strong working relationships with philanthropic organizations, ensure our clients are well positioned for success. Partial Client List: California Tax Reform Association Common Sense Media Common Sense Kids Action Fair Shake Commission on Income Inequality Electronic Frontier Foundation Privacy Rights Clearinghouse

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Corbin and Kaiser, LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: 1107 9th st, sacramento, ca, united states
Line 2: 1107 9th St
Corbin and Kaiser, LLC's industries
government relations
Corbin and Kaiser, LLC's technology
Google Cloud Hosting Mobile Friendly Outlook Varnish Wix
People working at Corbin and Kaiser, LLC
Samantha Corbin
Founder and CEO
Sacramento, California, United States
Danielle Kando-Kaiser
Founding Partner
Sacramento, California, United States
Brian Blakely
Operations Coordinator
Sacramento, California, United States
Katie Pascual
Legislative Assistant
Sacramento, California, United States
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