Cordstrap B.V

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Cordstrap has always believed there is a better way. Our company started with the development of non-metallic strapping system that was strong as steel and safe to use. More than 55 years later, our passion to innovate and evolve our portfolio of solutions that protect cargo, and the people handling it, is unwavering. With three international manufacturing locations and operations in over 50 countries worldwide, Cordstrap combines a powerful product suite with a collaborative approach and the best quality training, application expertise and legislative insights for our customers. Many of the world's leading multi-national companies trust Cordstrap to protect their valuable cargo, with certified and fully CTU code compliant solutions for all domestic and international shipping challenges.

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Packaging and Containers Manufacturing
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ASP.NET Citrix MailChimp SPF Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook Sendgrid YouTube reCAPTCHA
People working at Cordstrap B.V
William van den Bremer
Director Supply Chain Planning & Logistics
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Rutger Drost
VP Marketing & Innovation
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Bryan Easton
Director, Go to Market
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Carlo Corti
Country Manager UK Ireland & Benelux
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Aybars Yucesoy
Global Procurement Category Manager Steel & Tools
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Ron Cup
Manager Transportation & Logistics
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Dan Espinosa
Director of Supply Chain and Customer Service, NA and LATAM
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Marc Janssen
VP Global Operations
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Rinie Broere
CFO (a.i)
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
Bart Slaghekke
Global IT Director
Venray, Limburg, Netherlands
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