Covenant Preparatory School

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Covenant Prep's MIssion is to provide young men from underserved communities in Hartford, CT the foundation required to successfully pursue higher education, to develop the strength of their character and to inspire them to live with integrity as leaders committed to their communities. Covenant Preparatory School opened in 2008 in order to meet the educational needs of underserved families. The school partners with students, families, staff and volunteers to form a pact, or covenant, to fulfill the mission of the school and change the trajectory of lives. Parents are an active part of the school. Funding for the school comes from individual donors, foundations, corporate sponsorships and grants. Covenant Prep: Is a tuition-free, independent day school for boys grades 5 through 8. Provides a challenging academic program in a supportive learning environment; Strives to graduate young men who are academically and socially prepared for high school, inspired to lead their lives in the pursuit of excellence, model leadership and integrity, and are committed to their communities; Requires that parents/guardians commit active involvement in the school and support their child's academic experience; Offers an extended school day with morning meeting, athletics, after-school activities and clubs Includes mandatory attendance at Summer Academy, a four-week academic enrichment camp that precedes each academic school year. Requires students to take the same standardized testing as other middle schools; Receives no federal, state, or religious funding; Has graduated ten classes of 8th graders (2011-2020) who attend a variety of private and public high schools and colleges/universities across the country.

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Covenant Preparatory School's headquarter address
Line 1: 135 broad street, hartford, connecticut, usa, 06105
Line 2: 135 Broad St
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People working at Covenant Preparatory School
Donato Monaco
Board Member
Mark Bertolami
Member Board Of Trustees
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Fabian Pietersen
Head Of School
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Lorraine Hill
Christopher Pitts
Board Member
Harris Simons
Board Member
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Brycen Chen-Phang
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Katie McKinney
Director of Development and Community Relations
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Nikki Cannavo Digel
School Principal
Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Erica Nevenglosky, EdD
School Principal/Lower School Principal
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