Crazy Sales Australia

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Welcome to, where you will find truly crazy prices and bargains for the latest and greatest products! We are one of the biggest online department stores in Australia and are 100% Australian owned and operated. By shopping with us, you can save between 30-80% off retail prices and we pride ourselves in offering you a vast range of products ranging from household goods to musical instruments to pet supplies and sporting goods – just about anything you can think of! As we are an online business, you can shop our site for bargains all year round - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Driven by a team of dedicated and professional individuals, operates through state-of-the-art processes, great distribution channels and a large 15,000 sq feet warehouse to deliver our goods to you in top condition and great efficiency. With teams consisting of accounts, customer service, purchasing, marketing, distribution center and logistics, programmers, designers and IT professionals, we continuously strive to provide an enhanced retail experience while maintaining our superb reputation. also assists manufacturers of quality goods by providing an opportunity to sell direct to the public without the need to establish retail facilities. Cutting out the middle man reduces costs, which saves you money! You'd be crazy to miss out on all our bargains!

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Amazon AWS Amazon CloudFront Amazon Elastic Load Balancer Amazon SES DNS Made Easy Emarsys Gmail Google Apps Rackspace MailGun VueJS
People working at Crazy Sales Australia
David Yin
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Vincent Fang
Vice President
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Joe Qiao
Purchasing Manager
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Tom Hu
Buyer Assistant
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Willy Balanoyos
QA Analyst
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Jane Jian
Customer Service Team Lead
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Donald Kao
Technical support manager
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
John Nabong
QA Analyst
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Bella chan
Purchasing ,Merchandiser
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
Bobby cui
Springvale, Victoria, Australia
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