Crescent Med

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Crescent Med, founded in 2017 by TU Delft Graduates, is a group of Engineers and Creative Thinkers with a passion for healthcare and technology. As a company, Crescent Med strongly believes in creating a digital future where technology does not distract from valuable human processes. By creating digital solutions that have natural, service-minded, and intuitive interfaces we aim to create healthier relationships with our digital devices. Our first device, a Purpose Designed Wearable Dual-Camera Headband for Surgeons, aims to record and live-stream a surgeons perspective to an audience for use in education, training, or proctoring. Follow our page and stay up to date of our adventures.

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Crescent Med's headquarter address
Line 1: schiedamsedijk 77, rotterdam, nl
Crescent Med's industries
medical devices
Crescent Med's technology
Gmail Google Analytics Google Apps Google Tag Manager Hotjar Hubspot Linkedin Marketing Solutions Mobile Friendly NSOne Squarespace ECommerce Typekit YouTube
People working at Crescent Med
Rolf Meßmer
Member of the Board of Advisors
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Lisanne Van Dijk
COO | Medical Design Engineer
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Samy Ralph Andary
Non Executive Director
Oleg Camenscic
Chief Technology Officer
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Rene de Vries
Member Advisory board
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Tessa Mellema
Head of Product Engineering
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Joris de Koning
Product Engineering Intern
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Patrick Keesmaat
Head of Production
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Alfred Castillo
Software Developer
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Chepngetich Rotich
Licensed Practical Nurse
Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
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