CRO Laboratories Inc

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The CRO Laboratories Inc is a Dallas, Texas based contract research organization focus on providing comprehensive chemistry services to Pharmaceutical, Biotech companies as well as academic and Government institutes. With our broad expertise in synthetic and medicinal chemistry we co-develop early stage technologies with their inventors, provide medicinal and chemical research support and collaborative custom chemical synthesis for a range of bio sciences, Our mission is to provide quality services and innovative cost effective custom solutions to our clients in a timely fashion, to help our customers achieve their R&D and commercial objectives.

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CRO Laboratories Inc's headquarter address
Line 1: 9995 monroe drive, suite 119, dallas, tx 75220, us
Line 2: 9995 Monroe Dr
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People working at CRO Laboratories Inc
Dr Hemant Chaudhari
Medical Doctor
Dallas, Texas, United States
aswin win
Assistant Manager
Dallas, Texas, United States
Manojkumar Memane
Research Scientist
Dallas, Texas, United States
Renuka Jagtap
Quality Assurance Executive
Dallas, Texas, United States
Dallas, Texas, United States
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