CSR Middle East

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CSR Middle East was established in 2005 as a professional non-profit platform and the regional source and network for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Sustainability in the Middle East. CSR Middle East promotes corporate social responsibility in the region based upon the sharing of CSR updates, solutions and shaping the modern day business. CSR Middle East platform is the leading source of corporate social responsibility and sustainability news, reports and information from the Middle East. CSR Middle East members are companies and NGOs, agencies and organizations interested in communicating their corporate citizenship, sustainability, and socially responsible initiatives through CSR Middle East's network and weekly CSR Digestives. CSR Middle East content covers issues of Diversity, Philanthropy, Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Environment, Human Rights, Workplace Issues, Business Ethics, Community Development and Corporate Governance. Mission to help companies achieve profitability, sustainable growth and human progress by placing corporate social responsibility in the mainstream of business practice. Vision - Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in Middle East Region - Providing information about CSR issues - Providing expert CSR knowledge to businesses and their stakeholders - Contributing to the sustainable development of the region - Incorporating Middle East perspectives in the global CSR debate

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People working at CSR Middle East
Maha Al Olayan
Membership and Stakeholder Relations Manager
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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