CSX Technology

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CSX is one of the nation's leading transportation companies, providing rail-based transportation services. Based in Jacksonville, Fla., CSX is a transportation company providing rail, intermodal and rail-to-truck transload services. Our transportation network connects customers to ports, production and distribution centers and markets across the eastern United States. Mission: To be the safest, most progressive North American railroad, relentless in the pursuit of customer and employee excellence.

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People working at CSX Technology
Sarmad Nazemi
Director - Strategy & Transformation
United States
Chaz Leonard
Technical Director
United States
Ann Hale
Manager of Technology
United States
Rafael “Ralph” Atkins
Sr. Manager Information Technology
United States
Dave Rich
Head of Architecture and IT Services (CTO)
United States
Sam Nunnally
Enterprise Architect
United States
Leif Rush, PMP
Technical Director — Intermodal Terminal Systems
United States
Anthony Agatep
Technical Director - Integration Services Center
United States
Troy Worman
Technical Director, Information Security and Risk Management
United States
Kevin McCrone
Information Technology Manager
United States
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