Curasept S.p.A.

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Curasept S.p.A. was founded in 2001 in Italy. Its mission is to offer to clients, partners, and stakeholders the most original, innovative and high quality solutions in the chemical oral hygiene field for health-beauty-wellbeing. The company firmly believes that every patient is of utmost importance, that is why it wants to help the professionals of the sector to create motivation and acceptance among the patients with its products, R&D, constant innovation & patient centric approach are some of the core characteristics of Curasept S.p.A.'s strategy. In 2002, Curasept S.p.A. proudly designed, developed and patented the first innovation in the oral hygiene eld since 1960s: the ADS system. This system, made in Italy, revolutionized the sector, by allowing the use of chlorhexidine without part of its famous side effects. In 2005 became the product leader of the Chlorhexidine market in pharmacies in Italy. Curasept ADS line, since 2002 has evolved by wel-coming other important formulations, with Hyaluronic acid, chlorobutanol, PVP-VA and colostrum. Later on Curaden launched another innovation Curasept Biosmalto, a new formula that helps the regeneration and protection of the tooth enamel.

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Curasept S.p.A.'s headquarter address
Line 1: Via Giuseppe Parini, 19, Saronno, Lombardia 21047, IT
Line 2: 19 Via Giuseppe Parini
Curasept S.p.A.'s industries
health, wellness & fitness
Curasept S.p.A.'s technology
Apache Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook YouTube
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