Curator Wine & Hospitality 深圳市求睿风尚生活文化有限公司
Cu-ra-tor |kjʊ(ə)ˈreɪtə| noun One who manages or oversees, as the administrative director or content specialist responsible for a museum collection or a library. One who organizes and maintains a cultural collection. We at Curator believe in creating the life we want to live, whether it's sharing a great bottle of wine with friends over dinner, giving a memorable gift or enjoying a hard earned drink at the end of the day. For any of life's moments, we've got you covered. We continue to travel the world and taste thousands of bottles of wine, spirits and more, exploring the vast vinous world in an attempt to discover the best examples of what nature, and a skilled winemaker, can offer. Our mission is to secure the finest, sometimes unique, expressions of each region and bring them back to share with you. We import everything ourselves to ensure the greatest possible quality and price. To showcase our best and most impressive discoveries, we created The Compass Bar, a speakeasy style establishment that is open to both members and non-members. At the bar, our staff is always ready to provide you with a curated experience to match any mood or occasion. Curator [名词] ——为博物馆、图书馆鉴选艺术品或文化珍藏的管理者、策展人。 他们的眼光及理念直接影响观展者的体验。 在美酒佳酿面前,我们愿意成为您的甄选者。 在求睿,我们醉心于亲手打造自己理想的生活: 无论是和挚友共进晚餐时分享一瓶醇美的葡萄酒, 用心挑选一份令他/她难忘的礼物, 还是在一天的攻城拔寨后,快意地小酌一杯。 在人生中的各种时刻,我们的大门都将为您开启。 我们孜孜不倦,踏遍全球不同的角落,品尝成千上万的葡萄酒、烈酒及更多; 我们在酒的世界不断探寻,只为了发现能体现大自然和酿酒巨匠们精粹的珍品。 求睿的目标是寻得各个风土及产区最能够展现其情怀的顶级(也往往稀缺)佳酿。 我们亲自进口每一瓶甘酿,从而保证为您奉上最顶级的品质和最理想的价格。 求睿为了更好地呈现我们最令人惊艳的「战利品」,精心建造了 The Compass Bar,一个纽约地下精品酒吧风格,向所有求睿会员和非会员开放的专属空间。 在这里,我们每一个人都随时准备为您的任何心情、节庆 献上由求睿精心 curate (推敲、甄选)的美妙体验。