CYBER-DETECT© : A LORIA* SPINOFF FOR INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN CYBERDEFENCE Morphological analysis© is a breakthrough technology for binary code analysis. It is the result of many years of research in LORIA and the High Security Laboratory of Nancy, France. It is a fast and scalable solution to find similarities between different binaries. The company commercialise a software, "CYBER-DETECT Gorille©" in order to detect and analyse malwares, even if they are obfuscated, unknown or targeted to your defence system. This licence helps cyber experts to do reverse-engineering, forensic and to secure companies. Our solution were in test for 2 years into the French Defence ministry, and were choose as official tool for 2018. CYBER-DETECT is customizing and automating this solution with the aim of commercialising a second solution. Moreover, we already have our first results with IOT and mobile phones. Uses : Cyber-security, reverse-engineering, forensic, clustering, versioning, vulnerability discovering, and hints of plagiarism. *LORIA: Laboratoire Lorrain de recherche en informatique et de ses applications, is a research unit composed of : the University of Lorraine, INRIA and CNRS.
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