D&T Group Engineering and Contracting Co.

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We are delighted to introduce D&T Group as an engineering and contracting company. The core expertise of D&T Group is Engineering, Fabrication and Contracting in international markets. We accomplished major integrated engineering projects in Turkey, Qatar, Romania, Libya and in CIS countries. We identify and select skilled human resources and appropriate technology for the engineering and contracting Industry, transferring these resources to the projects we execute. The local companies will be linked to a network of professional construction enterprises already successfully operating and based in Turkey. D&T Group has established with equal partnership Dogu Electrical and Electronics Contracting Co. and Tron Engineering and Contracting Co. D&T's services is uniquely positioned to serve this segment of the market because of its multi-disciplined engineering background, its international experienced work force, and reliable reputation of its top management in the market. Subsequently, due to the continuous growth of business, local subsidiaries of D&T Group were established in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan,Turkey, Ukraine, Qatar, Romania, Moldova, Moscow, Libya, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. We hope you will consider D&T one of your prospective EPC contractors. We can assure you of a service that will meet your highest expectations.

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People working at D&T Group Engineering and Contracting Co.
Ömer Onur Ateş
Commercial Director
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Sinan Simsek
MEP Project Director
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Sertan Demirtaş
Project Manager
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
İskender Şengör
Project Manager
Devrim Kamil Ercetin
Member of Board
Bulent Yenilmez
IT Manager
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Serdar Güdük
MEP Coordinator
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Yeşim Küçükince Erçetin
Electrical Engineer Design Manager
Mechanical Site Manager
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Melike Gumusoglu
Teklif Müdürü
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
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