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The Problem: The use of human respondents in advertising research is inherently slow and expensive. As a consequence, only 1% of global ads are tested before launch and many millions of dollars are wasted supporting creative which should never have been released. The Solution: DAIVID's Emotional AI. DAIVID's Emotional AI technology measures the attention captured and emotions evoked by creative. Our predictive algorithm is built by layering multiple techniques and technologies to achieve the deepest understanding of the connection between creative devices and video performance. Having understood this connection, DAIVID can test any creative without needing to show it to human respondents. Datapoints used to train the algorithm come from a variety of sources, including eye tracking, campaign metrics, social media stats and computer vision, while emotional impact is tracked using facial coding and categorised using the company's proprietary DAIVID 39, created using the world's most advanced academic studies on emotions. DAIVID has 3 products: Brand Strategy: Informs brand strategy by analysing competitor performance, category content, emotional white space and brand consistency. Evaluate: A world-class video testing tool which unpacks attention captured, emotions evoked and video metrics generated by creative. Audience: Informs media strategy by understanding which videos to support and identifying the ideal target audience.

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Line 1: London, England, United Kingdom
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People working at DAIVID
Guy Abrahams
Business Advisor
London, England, United Kingdom
Ian Forrester
Founder & CEO
London, England, United Kingdom
Lance Traore
Co-Founder, ANZ
London, England, United Kingdom
Daniel Smedley
Business Partner
London, England, United Kingdom
Phil Townend
Advisor (Growth)
London, England, United Kingdom
Dan Bernardo
Advisor Creative & Culture
London, England, United Kingdom
Rob Sherlock
Advisory Board Chair
London, England, United Kingdom
Dr. Klaus Iffländer
Advisor, Data Analytics
London, England, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Michael Fretschner
Advisor, Ad Science
London, England, United Kingdom
Alejandro Reinel
Data Engineering Consultant
London, England, United Kingdom
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