Dallas Plastics Corporation

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Dallas Plastics is a privately held corporation which has been manufacturing blown film products since 1989. We produce a variety of specialty products and converter grade films for food, medical, and industrial applications. We have three manufacturing plants in the United States, located in Mesquite, Texas; Longview, Texas; and Wentzville, Missouri. Dallas Plastics has established itself as a high quality, service oriented manufacturer that utilizes current technology in a manner that best suits its' customers. Our films are made with the finest quality, prime, certified materials and are carefully processed in a controlled manner so that our customers enjoy a product that consistently meets or exceeds their high expectations. Our centralized locations make us the logical choice for servicing the central United States, Canada and Mexico.

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Dallas Plastics Corporation's headquarter address
Line 1: 924 dalworth dr, mesquite, texas 75149, us
Line 2: 924 Dalworth Dr
Dallas Plastics Corporation's industries
packaging & containers
Dallas Plastics Corporation's technology
Bootstrap Framework CloudFlare Hosting Cloudflare DNS Gmail Google Apps Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Shutterstock WordPress.org
People working at Dallas Plastics Corporation
Chris Benford
Sales Director
Mesquite, Texas, United States
Scott Farmer
Board Member
Mesquite, Texas, United States
Kevin Pierce
Chief Executive Officer
Mesquite, Texas, United States
Mark Imel
Strategic Sourcing Manager
Mesquite, Texas, United States
Ken Colbey, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Mesquite, Texas, United States
Mick Manning
Maintenance Manager
Amy Pierce
Technical Manager
Mesquite, Texas, United States
Stuart Norris
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager
Mesquite, Texas, United States
Lance Geuther
Production Manager
Mesquite, Texas, United States
John Hogue
Sales Manager
Mesquite, Texas, United States
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