DD Code

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We are a company made up of highly skilled programmers and graphic designers ready to implement our clients wishes into real life projects.With our skills, we can assure our clients that we deliver nothing but success of the project. We provide a high quality client service and can provide you with everything you need. Our expertiese also include social marketing and we as a team are always happy and available for communicating and consulting. Everything you receive is a custom made, and it has an unique design that is created for you and you only. In our business we believe that there shouldn't be allowed any space for mistakes,so we make sure eveything we deliver to you as our clients is flawless and up to your standards. For the graphic design part we include a complete graphic design renovation: logo,menu/catalog,business and visit cards,staff shirts,animations,etc.. As a company,filled with hard working passion we are available to you 24/7 for whatever wish you have aboutt you projects.

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People working at DD Code
David Atanasoski
Chief Executive Officer
Skopje, Skopski, North Macedonia
Dimitar Ilioski
Skopje, Skopski, North Macedonia
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