de Lijn, Praktijk voor Integratieve Psychotherapie

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Private practice providing counseling and therapy to individuals and to telationship partners. De Lijn specialises in tailor-made therapy for each unique person, choosing from a wide range of methods and interventions from all psychological viewpoints, to best fit the specific needs of each individual client. The therapy provided in this practice is short-term, with an average of 10-12 sessions.

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health, wellness & fitness
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Apache JQuery 1.11.1 Mobile Friendly
People working at de Lijn, Praktijk voor Integratieve Psychotherapie
Mirella A. Satoor de Rootas
owner / therapist
Borger, Drenthe, Netherlands
Jethro Verstichel
Borger, Drenthe, Netherlands
Peter Raemdonck
Borger, Drenthe, Netherlands
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