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DELI Group Germany GmbH
Deli Group Germany GmbH located in Hamburg, Germany is the Design and Product Development branch of the Deli Group company. Deli Group is one of the world's leading stationery brands, available in over 100 countries. Employing over 11.000 people, with a turnover of more than 2 billion USD, we are among the largest players in the OPG industry.
- website: http://www.nbdeli.com
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/deli-group-germany-gmbh
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People working at DELI Group Germany GmbH
Soeren Uherek
Managing Director Deli Group Germany
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Rui Li
Project Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Jongmoo Lee
Senior Industrial Designer
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Jan-Tobias Langer
Industrial Designer
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Johannes Schulz
Senior Designer
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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