Delica AG

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Delica AG was founded in 2021 and is a consortium of the companies Chocolat Frey AG, Delica AG, Midor AG, Riseria SA and Total Capsule Solutions. Marketed under the name of Delica, a great deal of expertise in gourmet products has been consolidated under the auspices of Migros Industrie. Delica has about 2,600 employees in five locations across Switzerland as well as in numerous subsidiaries abroad. - At Delica, we reinvent goodness. Whether coffee, chocolate, biscuits, ice cream, snacks, cooking products or chewing gum - together we create moments of indulgence for our customers. - Community, responsibility and pioneering spirit - these values shape our corporate culture. As part of our team, employees are given creative leeway for new ideas that can be implemented together with allies in the team and a lot of heart and soul. As part of the Migros Group, our employees benefit from progressive employment conditions, flexible working models, a large network and a sustainable corporate policy. Discover what makes us stand out as an employer.

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People working at Delica AG
Caroline Labanca
Head of Product Management Private Label Coffee
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Dr. Raphael Gugerli
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Constantin Schnupp
Head of Strategy & Transformation
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Emanuel Ritzmann
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Frank Wilde
Brand Director Café Royal
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Thomas Gubler
Geschäftsleitung bei DELICA AG (COO)
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Heinemann Cornelia
Head R&D Confectionery, Cooking, Snacks
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Fanja Merz Auer
Head of Marketing & Communication Café Royal
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
David Saxer
Head of Engineering
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
Natalie Hügin
Head Product Management
Buchs AG, Aargau, Switzerland
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