Delivering Impact

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Delivering Impact, LLC was formed by founder Sean Maloney to help nonprofit organizations in transition better navigate those transitions and ultimately thrive throughout, and long after, the organization's evolution. Sean brings 15 years of fundraising and organizational management experience in the nonprofit sector. He has worked for small rural community centers, large research institutions, and everything in between. Mainly focusing on organizations that serve marginalized communities in international settings, Sean has a passion for developing the underdog's innate strengths and helping them realize their full potential. As a firm believer in the financial independence movement, Sean helps nonprofits accomplish revenue goals while incurring as little expense as possible – throwing out the long-held belief that it takes money to make money.

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People working at Delivering Impact
Sean William Maloney
Founder & Principal Consultant
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Trevor Watkins
Administrative Support Manager
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Elise Moylan
Account Director
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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