Department of Lands - Government of Western Australia

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On 1 July 2017, the Western Australian departments of Planning, Lands, Heritage and the Aboriginal heritage and land functions of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs were amalgamated into the newly established Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, http://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/ The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage is responsible for planning and managing land and heritage for all Western Australians – now and into the future. The department undertakes key activities relating to land use planning, the land supply chain, land administration and asset management, all aspects of heritage, and Aboriginal lands and heritage. The new department is a result of State Government reforms to encourage more collaboration and greater efficiencies within the Western Australian public sector.

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Department of Lands - Government of Western Australia's headquarter address
Line 1: level 11, 140 william street, perth, western australia 6000, au
Line 2: 140 William St
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People working at Department of Lands - Government of Western Australia
Matt Darcey
Executive Director Regional and Metro Services
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Matt Pestell
Executive Manager, Regional and Metropolitan Services
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Alan Abraham
Chief Finance Officer
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Shaw Russell
Pastoral Liaison
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Lee Claffey
Senior Project Officer
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Caroline Horsfield
Executive Officer Pastoral Lands Board
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Carolyn Gasmier
State Lands Officer
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
janet cardew
Project Manager
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Henty Farrar
Manager MidWest Gascoyne
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Michael Jackson
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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