Детский мир

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Detsky Mir Group is a multi-format omnichannel retail company, the undisputed leader in the children's goods market in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as a significant player in Belarus. The company is one of the largest and fastest growing online players in the children's goods segment in Russia. Detsky Mir is the most recognizable brand in the children's segment in Russia with a 73-year history. The group unites retail chains of stores Detsky Mir and PVZ Detmir, an online store and marketplace detmir.ru, as well as a chain of pet products Zoozavr. As of December 31, 2020, the Detsky Mir chain of stores is represented by 832 stores located in 331 cities of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, the PVZ Detmir chain - 16 stores. The Zoozavr chain of goods for animals is represented by 20 stores. The total sales area of ​​the stores of the Group of Companies - 897 thousand sq. sq. m.

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People working at Детский мир
Nikolay Ermakov
Chief Technology Officer
Dmitry Bakhtin
Director of Software Engineering
Artem Staver
Head of IT Infrastructure department
Anastasia Krasilnikova
Head Of Purchase Department
Daria Lo
Product Manager
Konstantin Brovka
Head Of Digital Marketing
Николай Никифоров
специалист по торговым технологиям
Мария Давыдова
директор по закупкам
Elena Chasovskih
Senior IT Recruter
Lapin Andrey
Lead Product Manager
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