Danish Industry

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Danish Industries (DI) is a private business and employers' organisation representing more than 20,000 companies in Denmark. We aim to provide the best possible corporate conditions for our member companies. We believe a strong society needs strong companies – just as strong companies benefit from a strong society. Companies are crucial to maintaining the prosperity of all Danes, and to achieving societal goals such as a clean and carbon neutral society. Therefore, DI is committed to achieving a Danish society in growth and balance. DI’s mission is to help Danish companies win, both at home and abroad. You are always welcome to contact us at di@di.dk if you have any questions.

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People working at Danish Industry
Rikke Hougaard Zeberg
Direktør DI-digital
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Ulrik Branner
Head of Productivity Committe - DI Byggeri
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Kenneth Ohlendorff
Medlem af DI's udvalg for byggepolitik
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Peter Lippert
Medlem, eBusiness udvalg
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
René Rasmussen
DI´s Udvalg for Informationssikkerhed
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Mikkel Hedegaard Kristensen
Board Member
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Lars Sandahl Sørensen
Chief Executive Officer
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Dan Saugstrup, PhD
Director of Digital Program and Project Management
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Jesper Uggerhøj
Member of the Executive Committee
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
Sune Schnack
Board Member
København Huse, South Denmark, Denmark
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