Digital Health Factory

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Let's re-engineer healthcare We are company builders who bring holistic and evidence-based healthcare to people around the globe. Our Mission We believe that every human has the right to live a happy and fulfilled life. But limited access to good healthcare and the problem of incurable diseases can change one's life for the worse. With cutting-edge technology, we can provide citizens around the globe with better, digital evidence-based therapeutics. For a better, happier life. Our business model We partner with the best-in-class medical experts to build evidence-based ventures. They are built upon the three pillars that influence patients: Speech, Information and Behavior. We do everything with the patient in mind and design everything around them. Our competence team Digital Health Factory is led by Dr. med. Hartwig Jaeger and Dr. med Peter Langkafel. Their team consists of doctors, engineers, techies, data scientist, writers, marketers, communicators, designers, creatives and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to giving back the power to the patient. Imprint: https://www.digitalhealthfactory.com/imprint/

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Prof. Dr. Peter Langkafel MD, MBA
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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