Digital Thinker

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When data is the most valuable asset, algorithms become the most important power. A new era is upon us, where traditional rules and systems are decoupled and challenged by the new invisible power – DATA. Taking an in-depth look at Digital Transformation, from human evolution to the fast-changing digital world, The Digital Mind of Tomorrow™ invites us to question: where can accelerated technology progression take us? Examining the impact of modern technology to reflect how it has reshaped society, business, and human behavior. As technology continues to grow and evolve at an unprecedented rate, what does digital transformation mean for humanity? Can we embrace sustainable growth before it's too late? Featuring exclusive interviews with high-tech thinkers, The Digital Mind of Tomorrow™ inspires us to leverage the power of technology rather than fear it, re-evaluate how to increase business growth in a digital-first world, and reimagine humanity's future together.

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People working at Digital Thinker
Isabella Wang
Book Author: The Digital Mind of Tomorrow
New York, New York, United States
Caleb Decker
Video Production Intern
New York, New York, United States
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