DIWA (IREX Accredited)
Drone Inspections WA was established in response to the increasing demand for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in the private and public sectors. DIWA has a growing presence within Western Australia with extensive knowledge in inspections, NDT, rope access, scaffolding, refineries, oil and gas as well as mine sites. We are constantly networking with the general public and drone companies alike to provide high quality accurate information which will assist in better decision making, reducing the risks to people, assets and also reducing operating cost and increasing profitability. Our main area of operations consists of aerial surveying, mapping, imaging, real estate, property management, insurance claims, crop propagation, aerial spraying, and quantity surveys but to name a few.
- website: http://www.droneinspectionswa.com.au
- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DIWAUAV/
- twitter: https://twitter.com/DIWAUAV
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/drone-inspections-wa