DJCSI - Computer Society of India, DJSCE

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With the help of technology, DJCSI aims to ignite a flame of curiosity in the minds of students and create a yearning for learning among them. We intend to choreograph and fabricate a platform for optimizing the technical aptitude in a fun and entertaining way in our endeavor to bridge the gap between university and industry.

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DJCSI - Computer Society of India, DJSCE's headquarter address
Line 1: mumbai, maharashtra 400058, in
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People working at DJCSI - Computer Society of India, DJSCE
Ronak Rajput
Social Media Manager
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Hargun Singh Chandhok
Marketing Team Member
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rucha Gavaskar
Social Media Head
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
PREM Doshi
Logistics head
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mandar Parekh
Sales And Marketing Associate
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Jainish Jain
Co-committee Member
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Saurav Shah
Vice Chairperson
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Prathamesh Nayak
Editorial Head
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Meet Vora
Publicity Head
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Princy Doshi
Marketing Executive
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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