Doggy Decorum CA

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Dog Training Doggy Decorum CA is aimed at educating dog owners on how to effectively communicate with their dog by providing simple tools which result in a positive and rewarding life long relationship.We all want our dogs to exhibit good manners when it comes to living in your home and/or while out in public. No matter your living environment, you want your best friend to behave, be friendly and be a part of your life. Behavior Modification Some dogs develop unsavory behaviors that just drive us crazy. Whether its destruction of your belongings, jumping on people, barking at everything, lunging on leash, etc… there are many root causes that trigger your dog to develop what we call bad behaviors. These triggers can range from a change in your dog's environment or a lack of something he needs. For the most part, a dog's unwanted behavior is either fear based or driven by anxiety, some developing from an early age or brought on by a new element or traumatic event. During our session, I will determine what drives your dog to exhibit the unwanted behavior and develop a training regime that will manage, diminish or extinguish the behavior. Pet Sitting Who better to watch your dog than a dog trainer! I am available to sit in your home or in mine. It's a proven fact that pets are much happier, healthier and safer when they stay in their home vs. a kennel.

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People working at Doggy Decorum CA
Andrea Lauryn Singer
Freeelance Dog Trainer
Los Angeles, California, United States
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