Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island

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Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island welcomes all those who are working to overcome cultural, educational, economic and language barriers; and we empower them to achieve self-sufficiency and to participate actively in our community. We provide client-centered services, advocacy and opportunities based on their expertise in family literacy and adult education, employment services, refugee resettlement, translation, interpretation, U.S. citizenship and immigration services. The organization is committed to building on the diversity and strength of the people they serve as an investment in a stronger and more connected community.

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Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island's headquarter address
Line 1: 645 elmwood ave, providence, rhode island, united states
Line 2: 645 Elmwood Ave
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People working at Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island
Roger Belanger
Manager IT
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Kathleen Cloutier
Executive Director
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Sheri L.
Grants Writer
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Najwa Saad
Employment Specialist
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Milagro Sique
Chief Operating Officer
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Brian Hull
Chief Program Officer
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Bernadine Sadwin
Director Of Institutional Advancement
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Julie Cofone
Director of Public Relations & Communications
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Grace Welch
Consultant, Social Media Marketing / Communications & Marketing Coordinator
Nidia Beltrán
English Second Language Instructor
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
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