Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG

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DOTTIKON manufactures high-quality performance chemicals, intermediates, and exclusive active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for the world's leading chemical, biotech, and pharmaceutical industry. The company with its production site in Dottikon (Aargau, Switzerland) is specialized in hazardous reactions and positions itself as strategic development and manufacturing partner and performance leader. Its safety culture created over the past 110 years guides the innovative use of hazardous reactions, low-temperature and high-pressure chemistry, as well as continuous processing in order to challenge, tighten, or shorten conventional chemical synthesis routes, improve selectivities, yields, and purities, as well as reduce energy consumption, waste, and CO2 emissions sustainably. The versatile technology and equipment portfolio is used, maintained, and continuously expanded to design, develop, and optimize chemical processes and technical manufacturing procedures for the rapid scale-up from kilograms to multi-tons in order to produce and deliver the respective market volumes. DOTTIKON's one-site strategy allows reduced decision and communication pathways. This ensures rapid and efficient project development and management, clear and transparent data and process documentation, and close customer communication.

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Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG's headquarter address
Line 1: Hembrunnstrasse 17, Dottikon, Aargau 5605, CH
Line 2: 17 Hembrunnstrasse
Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG's industries
Chemical Manufacturing
Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework MailChimp SPF Mobile Friendly
People working at Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG
James Faust
Director Business Development at Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Thomas Rosatzin
Head of Procurement
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Alexandru Zamfir
Project Manager R&D
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Grégoire Le Corre
Procurement Specialist
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Urs Lindenmann
Head of Kilolab R&D
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Robert Dahinden
Head of Production
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Stephan Kirschbaum
Head of Business Development
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Bernhard Urwyler PhD
Verwaltungsrat bei Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Daniel Pflästerer
Project Manager R&D
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
Ulrich Berens
Head Performance Chemicals
Dottikon, Aargau, Switzerland
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