Dr. Patricia MD
Dr. Patricia A. Ronald Riba is a childhood obesity specialist and author in Orange County, CA. She was the founder and is Medical Director of Dr. Patricia MD/Dr. Riba Health Club, a community-based organization designed to prevent and treat nutrition-related health problems in children aged 0 to 18 years and their families. Dr. Patricia MD/Dr. Riba Health Club offers a variety of programs and services at multiple sites throughout Orange County. Dr. Patricia and her multidisciplinary team reach over 6,000 underserved families through individualized patient care plans, community and provider education and training, school-based programs, and Parent-Child Feeding Interaction Therapy. Dr. Patricia attended Boston University School of Medicine and completed her residency in general pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Orange County.
- website: http://www.drpatriciamd.com
- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drpatriciamd
- twitter: https://twitter.com/drpatriciamd
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/dr-patricia-md