Ecofieldtrips Pte Ltd

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Ecofieldtrips (EFT) is a Singapore-based company set up in 1997 by Bridget Hedderman and Helen Newman to coincide with the International Year of the Reef. Initially, EFT conducted small school trips to Tioman Island, Malaysia. EFT now employs nature guides and graduates from local and international backgrounds, allowing for a greater diversity of destinations and activities. We now run larger trips for schools from all over the world and operate many programmes including A Level and IB coursework trips as well as GAP year and work experience options. Our fieldtrips aim to inculcate positive attitudes and long-term commitment to the protection and conservation of the environment, along with the enjoyment of learning in fascinating outdoor settings. Fieldtrips also expose students to a variety of new and unique cultural experiences such as learning about padi farming techniques in Malaysia and visiting townships in South Africa.

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Ecofieldtrips Pte Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: 178 joo chiat road, #02-01, singapore, sg
Line 2: 178 Joo Chiat Rd
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People working at Ecofieldtrips Pte Ltd
Robert Horsfall
Managing Director
Singapore, Singapore
Keren Worlock
Operations Manager
Singapore, Singapore
Sek Chuan Chua
Field Biologist
Singapore, Singapore
Raditya Andrean Saputra
Senior Scientist and Programme Development
Singapore, Singapore
Lynn Drescher
Field Biologist
Singapore, Singapore
Jersey R. Cumentas
Field Staff
Singapore, Singapore
Bas de Nijs
Head Of Operations, Nepal
Singapore, Singapore
Charles Downing
Senior Biologist
Singapore, Singapore
Bridget Hedderman
Bryanna-Karina Russell
Student Intern
Singapore, Singapore
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