econet china

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About econet china econet china is an initiative of the German industry, coordinated by the German Industry and Commerce Greater China, for the promotion of Sino-German cooperation for sustainability. Background China's demand for green solutions has been growing rapidly over the last couple of years. Germany, a world leader in offering innovative solutions for sustainability, is a key partner and is interested in supporting China in reaching its goals. Mission To support the already rich German-Chinese cooperation in this field, econet china has been created to facilitate the exchange of information, know-how and enable an effective networking between all players. - Up-to-date information and in-depth analysis about markets for building, energy and environment - Extensive networks for lobbying - Marketing for German know-how for sustainability - Company representation and business development services - Alliance of core technical competences of German companies in building, energy and environment fields

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environmental services
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People working at econet china
Project Manager
Shanghai, Guangdong, China
Jing Ning
Project manager
Yiwen Chen
Project Assistant
Shanghai, Guangdong, China
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