Economics for Peace Institute

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Thinking in New Ways about Peace and Sustainability MISSION | epi | works through education and economic development to build peace, to foster sustainability and to restore the Earth's natural systems. The Institute promotes participatory research in regional and community planning. PROGRAMS | epi | promotes participatory research through demonstration projects, experiential training and a web-based information portal; the portal connects the social network of PAR practitioners through user-driven contributions. For regional and community planning, | epi | delivers participatory community engagement and online solutions for stakeholder involvement. | epi | builds capacity for participatory ecotourism where locals and visitors learn from each other and partner on mutually beneficial conservation and development projects. PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH | epi | advances neutral, science-based, participatory research strategies. Participatory action research [PAR] engages local people in meaningful self-discovery for the purpose of reaching common goals. The institute draws attention to the socio-cultural patterns that sustain community well-being and ecosystem stewardship. We teach planners participatory strategies such as ethnography, participant observation, the dynamics of relaxed small group reflection and rigorous qualitative research. VISION We engage local people in building the road to sustainable development in local and regional economies. Sustainable development ensures peace and prosperity through fair resource use. Our work is measured by its social benefits, its economic fairness and its ability to preserve ecosystems for future generations.

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Line 1: 421 gold run st, boulder, colorado 80302, us
Line 2: 421 Gold Run St
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People working at Economics for Peace Institute
Myriem Le Ferrand-Radjef
Founder/Executive Director
Boulder, Colorado, United States
diana wehrzovf
Professor Of Economics
Boulder, Colorado, United States
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