Education Nationale

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EduTech AI is a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for the education sector. We are committed to helping educators and learners around the world harness the power of AI to improve teaching and learning outcomes. Our AI-powered products and services are used by schools, universities, and other educational institutions of all sizes to: Personalize learning experiences for each student Provide real-time feedback and support Identify and address learning gaps Automate administrative tasks Improve communication and collaboration between teachers, students, and parents We believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize education, and we are dedicated to making this a reality. We work closely with our customers to understand their specific needs and develop solutions that meet those needs. We also invest heavily in research and development to ensure that our products and services are at the forefront of AI innovation.

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People working at Education Nationale
Bernard Desclaux
retraité Education nationale, Directeur de CIO, Formateur et blogueur
London, England, United Kingdom
Catherine Derain
Directrice d ecole
London, England, United Kingdom
Jean-Marie Thorel
Agrégé de mécanique - Professeur honoraire de chaire supérieure
London, England, United Kingdom
jean-michel arnoux
Responsable du Dispositif Académique de Validation des Acquis (DAVA)
London, England, United Kingdom
Djamel Fellag
Professeur Cpge management et sciences de gestion
London, England, United Kingdom
Christina Davies-shojaee
Reti red teacher
London, England, United Kingdom
Jean Pierre Clotilde
Éducation nationale
London, England, United Kingdom
Farid Maniani 🐝
PLP Economie-Gestion Vente
London, England, United Kingdom
Véronique FRUCHART
Directrice d ecole
London, England, United Kingdom
Stéphane DAVID
Directeur des formations
London, England, United Kingdom
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