EIL UK (Experiment in International Living UK)

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We break down barriers that cause conflict every day. Hate crime is rising, the world is increasingly violent and it is easier to hate than understand. People are becoming more insular as a false solution to fear. Fear is only broken down by greater knowledge and understanding. All of the work of EIL UK contributes to a more peaceful world, combating barriers between people by bringing them together to understand each other. EIL UK is a charity based in Malvern, Worcestershire. EIL stands for the ‘Experiment in International Living' and is the UK member of a global network that began life in 1932. Together 23 EIL offices around the world form a global Federation that is recognised as a Peace Messenger organisation by the United Nations. Working with people of all ages, each year EIL UK welcomes hundreds of international visitors to the UK. They all have one thing in common – the willingness to learn about new cultures and to share their own, often whilst living with a local family. Our peacebuilding workshops, training and group programmes are open to local young people in the UK as well as our global participants. Our programmes teach people that ‘by living together we learn to live together' and that together we can create a more peaceful, tolerant and understanding world. Our Federation alumni include Nobel Peace Prize winners, founders of international charities and politicians.

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People working at EIL UK (Experiment in International Living UK)
Nisrine ichou
Experimenter et Alumni Ambassadrice
Deborah Hume
Programme Manager: Study
Maheen Mufti
Program Coordinator
Sabine Spires
Programme Manager
Karen Harvey
Programme Manager
Charlotte Fereday
Program Manager
linda griffiths
Project Manager
Vivek Mathur
HR Executive
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