Ekam Foundation

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Ekam Foundation is a not-for-profit NGO providing quality healthcare to underprivileged children and mothers in India. Ekam's objective is to contribute directly to a substantial reduction in infant, and maternal mortality rates. Ekam ‘s unique healthcare model focuses on neonates and infants to supplement the public health care system. We aim to step in before the situation turns critical – by supporting maternal health and welfare. Our work bridges the gaps within the RMNCH+A [reproductive, maternal, newborn child, and adolescent health] arena. Over the last twelve years, Ekam has supplemented care at primary health centers, district hospitals, and other tertiary care government hospitals. We regularly train nurses, maintain critical equipment, transport sick infants to nearest district hospitals, and provide lab test support, drugs, and medicines in public and private hospitals.

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Ekam Foundation's headquarter address
Line 1: Chennai,, Tamil Nadu
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People working at Ekam Foundation
Subhashree Rajan
Lead - Strategy & Outreach Communications
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Johny Livingstone A
Program Manager
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Devi Bhuvanesh
Communication and Knowledge Center Lead
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Suhanya Rajakumari
Project Officer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Parth Deshmukh
Event Organizer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Shan Mugam
Ekam foundation
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Yasmine Bowsiya
Project Officer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Rashmi Thakkar
Associate Director- Strategy and Knowledge Management
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Rajesh Ramachandran
Program Manager
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Shobana Ekam
Public Relations Officer
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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