Electro Computer Warehouse - Electro Inc.

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Electro Computer Warehouse is a supplier of used and refurbished computer equipment. In 1994 we started our business under the name of Electro world and after our relocation to Canada in 2004 our legal name was changed to Electro Inc and our trading name is Electro Computer Warehouse. Our corporate office and main distribution warehouse is located in Mississauga, Canada. We also have satellite distribution centers in USA, Dubai, Pakistan and Tanzania. Electro Computer Warehouse ranks among the largest wholesaler and remarketer of pre-owned lease computer equipment with a market presence in North America, Africa, Asia and Middle East. The company is strategically located to serve its customers and our success is dependent on our people and their commitment to fully understand our customer requirements and expectations. Our goal is to always deliver on our customers'​ expectations and our strength lies in the strategic partnership with manufacturers, off lease Asset Management companies and our long term customer relationships. We are not a "Broker"​ and the inventory offered to our clients is physically in our warehouse and we welcome our customers to inspect the products on-site before delivery. Our record keeping, quality controls and process are thorough and this facilitates audit inspections required by developing countries. We will coordinate audit requirements and engage the services of international audit firms including SGS to provide such verification. Electro Computer Warehouse also refurbishes and supports recycling of equipment so that used electronic equipment is disposed in an environmentally friendly manner. This goal is a win: win for the manufacturer, Asset Management Company and the customer. We provide an opportunity for our customers to buy a single unit, bulk lots, partial containers lots and full containers at competitive pricing. We look forward to your enquiry and on building a long term mutually beneficial relationship.

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Electro Computer Warehouse - Electro Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 1375 aimco blvd, mississauga, ontario, canada, l4w 1b5
Line 2: 1375 Aimco Blvd
Electro Computer Warehouse - Electro Inc.'s industries
computer hardware
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People working at Electro Computer Warehouse - Electro Inc.
Arif Lakhani
CEO and Co-Founder
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Suthan S.
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Steve Couture
Director Sales and Marketing
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Nimra Shaikh
Procurement Specialist & Sales Representative
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Muhammad Saif Khan
Assistant Manager e-commerce
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Mustafa Africawala
Country Manager
Maarij Khan
Regional Office Manager (Pakistan)
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Faysal Elahi
International Sales Executive
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Nadeem Ahmed
Marketing and Sales Coordinator
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Mohsin Ali
Branch Manager
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
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