ElemenTree Education Foundation

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ElemenTree Education Foundation aims to work towards environmental sustainability and climate change education by integrating it with the academic curriculum/Intervention at Educational Institutions, Primarily with schools. The purpose is to connect SDG 4, Quality Education SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 13, Climate Action at behavioural level. So that global issues associated with climate change and sustainability can be addressed and resolved at local level by collaborative actions of the stakeholders of the educational institutions, which tend to replicate the positive transformation to the local communities. We work with educational institutions, specifically with schools focusing on designing, implementing and monitoring interventions towards environmental sustainability and climate change education divided into 4 focus areas. Focus 1: Climate Literacy and Student Ledership Focus 2: Integration of Climate Change in Educational Institution Curricula Focus 3: Training and Teaching Materials for Teachers and Educators Focus 4: Safe, Smart and Sustainable Campuses

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People working at ElemenTree Education Foundation
Nikhil Sharma
Co-founder | Climate Educator
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Bharathrrajan Pa
Program coordinator Climate change fellowship program
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Akanksha Soni
Climate Project Fellow
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
ElemenTree Education Foundation
Sustainability Consultant
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
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