Elevator Equipment Ltd

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Our approachable, highly knowledgeable and proficient staff have many years of combined service within the company and can offer unrivalled expertise when it comes to helping you decide upon which products are right for you and your customers. As we have one of the largest stock holdings in the county and we offer next day delivery, we will ensure that your order is processed and despatched with speed and efficiency, so that you have the products to get the 'Job Done'. Our commitment to this service is key to meeting the demanding requirements of our customers and our ISO 9001 quality accreditation reflects this.

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Elevator Equipment Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: 11-13 parker drive, leicester, leicestershire le4 0jp, gb
Line 2: 13 Parker Drive
Elevator Equipment Ltd's industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
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People working at Elevator Equipment Ltd
Chris Moore
Managing Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Kieran Shuter
Production Manager
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Daniel Clipston
Social Media Management / Website Maintenance
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Aaron Coy
Purchasing Manager
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
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