Elmen Consultants Limited

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Elmen Consultants develop solutions for testing electronic components and systems. Working closely with the client during any phase of the product lifecycle, we combine equipment and applications to deliver absolute state of the art test solutions with high accuracy and high throughput.

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Elmen Consultants Limited's headquarter address
Line 1: 10 lochside place, edinburgh park, edinburgh, midlothian eh12 9rg, gb
Line 2: Lochside Place
Elmen Consultants Limited's industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
Elmen Consultants Limited's technology
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People working at Elmen Consultants Limited
Carl E.
Managing Director
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Angela Carrasco
HR Generalist
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
You can find 2 people working at Elmen Consultants Limited on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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