eloquenza gmbh

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Creativity is the blood that flows through our veins, communication and marketing our passion. Emotion and function are the cornerstones of our concepts, networked thinking our second name. The result of our work: the success of our customers. Founded in 2003, we have become a fixture in the communications market. We have a strong footprint with national & international companies and support them with planning, conception and realisation of integrated communication strategies. Our team is a perfect mixture of different characters joined by the passion for communication, the power for creativity, the competence for teamwork and the enthusiasm for worldwide projects. We maintain vibrant relationships with regional & national media, freelancers, analysts and influencers in the digital and real world.

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eloquenza gmbh's headquarter address
Line 1: 18 emil-riedel-straße, münchen, bayern, germany
Line 2: 18 Emil-Riedel-Straße
eloquenza gmbh's industries
public relations & communications
eloquenza gmbh's technology
Cision Google Analytics Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook
People working at eloquenza gmbh
Svenja Op gen Oorth
Founder and CEO
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Meike Büvernich
pr consultant
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Jaya Pittappillil
Pr consultant
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
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