EM Electronix Private Limited

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EM Electronix has 36 years of experience in the Electronics Manufacturing and Services Sector. EM Electronix has been the Name behind the biggest brands in the Industry. The company operates in three verticals - AUTOMOTIVE, DEFENCE and INDUSTRIAL Verticals. The company has carved its name in the defense sector through rugged zero defect manufacturing. Em electronix has been constantly supporting the Indian defense forces by providing them with state of the art electronic equipment's. The company has vast experience in SONAR and RADAR technologies. Em Electronix is the first Indian Company to Design Develop and Manufacture AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CONTROLLERS, EM Electronix Pvt Ltd., promoted by experienced technocrats and Research experts was incorporated and commenced business in 1983, with objective to design, develop and manufacture sophisticated micro-processor based process control instrumentation and high-tech power electronics. The Company's corporate office and manufacturing plants are located in Bangalore, India. The entire product range is an outcome of its own Research & Development wing established with recognition from DSIR, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. EMEPL has proved its excellence in electronics by developing and executing projects for pollution control, instrumentation for satellite testing chamber,Transmission controller for Battle Tanks, Satellite uplink sub systems, Thermal and Nuclear power plant instrumentation, Fire Control Systems for war ships, Automatic transmission for Offhighway vehicles. These and various other feats were recognized by Govt. of India in awarding the company The National Award for excellence in Electronics, The National Award for Import Substitution and The National Award for Quality Products.

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EM Electronix Private Limited's headquarter address
Line 1: 91-2 3rd main ii stage industrial suburb, yeshwanthpur bazar, karnataka, india, 560022
Line 2: 2 3rd Main Road
EM Electronix Private Limited's industries
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
EM Electronix Private Limited's technology
End-to-End-Manufacturing Design & Engineering PCB Fabrication Embeded Systems Power Electronics Defense Manufacturing MIL Standard manufacturing Turnkey Manufacturing. Electronic Manufacturing Services Research And Development Rugged Systems and enclosures transmission controllers Automotive controllers Automotive clusters Electronic vehicle monitering systems FPGA based Desigs GUI Development IOT
People working at EM Electronix Private Limited
Managing Director
Venkatesh Narayana
Deputy General Manager
Nagaratna A
Kattishetti C.S.
yuvaraj s.b
R&D Engineer
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Shailesh Tukaye
Regional Manager - Marketing
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Akshay Wale
Sr. R&D Engineer
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Purchase Executive
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Venkatesh K
Rajashekhar K R
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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