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Emerging Dynamics (EMDYN) is a privately-owned company which provides advanced intelligence-led solutions to a range of security problems. We help our clients move from a reactive to a pre-emptive stance to focus valuable time and resources on preventing an incident happening in the first place rather than on dealing with its fallout. Providing high-end security solutions is a complex matter. At Emerging Dynamics, we can provide bespoke, intelligence-led solutions that adapt to the specific needs of our clients. Our cutting-edge data collection capabilities and all source data analytics drive smart decisions. Emerging Dynamics current serves across following verticals: Extraction industry, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Maritime and Aerospace and Defence. The commercial activities are global but with a focus the EMEA Region.

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EMDYN's headquarter address
Line 1: Ghent, Flanders, Belgium
EMDYN's industries
defense & space
EMDYN's technology
Amazon AWS Autotask DigitalOcean Google Analytics Mobile Friendly NSOne Salesforce Shutterstock Varnish Wistia
People working at EMDYN
Tim V.
Chief Executive Officer
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
Adam Denman
Global Business Development
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
Sim Tack
Head Of Analysis
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
Sacha Bán
Head of Sales and Marketing
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
Mina Kuzmić
Data Scientist
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
Nemanja Radosavljevic
Frontend Developer
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
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