EmProcell Clinical Research Private Limited, Mumbai, INDIA.
The main goal of EmProCell Clinical Research Pvt. Ltd. is production and application of biotechnology of separation, preservation and clinical use of fetal progenitor cells, as well as extracts of fetal tissue and placenta into medical practice for therapy of such diseases as arthritis, autoimmune hepatitis and cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis, diabetes- first and second stage, oncology and chemotherapy, arterial hypertension, immunodeficiency, sexual and reproductive dysfunctions, neurodegenerative diseases, rejuvenation and skin burns. Facility would also be used to prepare medicated cosmetics from the placenta or the left over bio-raw material generated after the separation of the cells. Cream using the preserved cryoplacenta or cord cells of a pregnant woman for her cosmetic use would avoid stretch mark after pregnancy and other after effects. Collaboration Areas The Public-Private-Partnership programmes of Government agencies like DBT, DST, ICMR and CSIR for joint proposals of mutual interest. Outsourcing of facility to Government agencies like DBT, DST, ICMR and CSIR for separation and production of stem cells for projects. Contract production and separation of cells under WHO-GMP for users for running clinical trials. R&D with industry / Institute for work on any new development.
- website: http://www.emprocell.com
- facebook: facebook.com/emprocell
- twitter: twitter.com/emprocell
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/emprocell-clinical-research-private-limited-mumbai-india-