Emzor Pharmaceutical

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Emzor is a fully-owned Nigerian company with highly-qualified and invested people, who take ownership and pride in providing Wellness for All. From a humble beginning as a retail chemist's shop in January 1977 to one of Nigeria's most respected, indigenous multi-billion naira pharmaceutical companies today, we have come a long way. Today, we manufacture over 120 high-quality pharmaceutical products and medical consumables including analgesics, vitamins, haematinics, anti-malarials, anti-tussives, antibiotics, anti-helmintics, anti-histamine, antacid, and cardio-protective drugs. We are a wholly owned, indigenous Nigerian company and we choose to remain that way for the betterment of our country and its people. Our choice to manufacture drugs locally has the dual aim of providing affordable, value-rich healthcare to our people as well as build employment and manufacturing capabilities in the region. Our Vision To be the leading healthcare company in Africa through the provision of world-class products and services. Our Mission We have an unwavering commitment to providing our customers with healthcare products and services of consistently high quality, made readily available at prices which create value for all stakeholders. We continuously develop and reward people of integrity who subscribe to hard work and creativity as a means of achieving individual and corporate excellence. Wellocracy We envision a world where Unlimited Wellness is made available to all and affordable by all.

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People working at Emzor Pharmaceutical
Pharmaceutical Research Scientist
Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
Ubah Henry
Qc staff
Emmanuel Babatunde
Production Supervisor
Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
Yinka (Yimika) Oguns
Brand Manager
Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
erinle lanre
Country Manager
Bukunola Ogayemi (CSCA, ACIPMN)
Supply Chain Logistics Manager
Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
Angela Chioma
Quality Control Laboratory Manager
Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
Moses Maiker
Olushola ojeniyi
Production Supervisor
Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
Rhymz Stephen
Sales Manager
Lagos Island, Lagos State, Nigeria
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