Energy Mart

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Energy Mart was founded in 2013 dedicated to the import and wholesale distribution of all types of batteries and renewable energy products for different industries. Energy Mart also acts as the Master Distributor of GP Batteries for Mexico, which is the 3rd largest battery manufacturer on the planet and OutBack Power, a leading worldwide manufacturing company in the renewable energy industry. Energy Mart expanded the span of brands being distributed in 2018, to a variety of electric and white goods focused on energy-saver appliances such as air conditioning systems, electric water heaters, and air heaters.In 2019, the company opened a new business vertical focused on the automation of production and manufacturing lines to supply the increasing demand in this arena.Energy Mart main clients are nationwide supermarkets and convenience stores, renewable energy project development companies, manufacturing and industrial plants and end-consumer. The company is headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico.

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Energy Mart's headquarter address
Line 1: av. jose eleuterio gonzalez 519, monterrey, nuevo leon 64020, mx
Line 2: 519 Avenida Doctor José Eleuterio González
Energy Mart's industries
Renewables & Environment
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People working at Energy Mart
Ramón M.
Founder and General Director
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Esther Velázquez
Gerente de operaciones
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Jennifer Carr
Assistant Manager
Joshua McCormick
carlos fernandize
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